Deregister a Managed Cluster
NOTE: The following procedure is for a cluster in which Rancher is enabled on the admin cluster. If Rancher is not enabled, then additional steps are required to deregister a managed cluster, see Deregister a managed cluster without Rancher.
If you want to deregister a managed cluster because you no longer want it to be part of a Verrazzano multicluster
environment, then log in to the Rancher console and delete the managed cluster. To delete a cluster in Rancher, see
What if I don’t want my registered cluster managed by Rancher?
This results in the cluster being deregistered from Verrazzano. The associated VerrazzanoManagedCluster
will be automatically deleted, and, if present, then the Argo CD registration of the managed cluster also will be removed.
Alternatively, you can deregister a managed cluster by deleting the VerrazzanoManagedCluster
resource. This will result
in the automatic cleanup of the Rancher cluster, as well as the Argo CD registration, if it is present.
# On the admin cluster
$ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN --context $KUBECONTEXT_ADMIN \
delete vmc -n verrazzano-mc managed1
NOTE: Even after deregistration, any applications that you deployed previously to the managed cluster will continue running on that cluster.
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