
Back up and restore Keycloak data

Verrazzano stores user login information in Keycloak. In turn, Keycloak uses MySQL as a back end to store all persistent data. This document shows you how to back up persistent data stored in MySQL from the original cluster and restore it in a new cluster. If you are restoring data to the same cluster, then the terms original cluster and new cluster refer to same cluster.

MySQL Operator prerequisites

MySQL is deployed using the MySQL Operator for Kubernetes. Apart from managing the life cycle of MySQL instances, MySQL Operator provides the capability to back up and restore data using an Amazon S3 compatible object storage.

Before proceeding with a MySQL back up or restore operation, keep the following details handy:

  • Object storage bucket name.
    • An Amazon S3 compatible object storage bucket. This can be an Oracle Cloud Object Storage bucket in any compartment of your Oracle Cloud tenancy.
      • For reference, make a note of the bucket name and tenancy name.
      • For more information about creating a bucket with Object Storage, see Managing Buckets.
    • For private clouds, enterprise networks, or air-gapped environments, this could be MinIO or an equivalent object storage solution.
  • Object storage prefix name. This will be a child folder under the bucket, which the backup component creates.
  • Object storage region name.
  • Object storage signing key.
    • A signing key, which is required to authenticate with the Amazon S3 compatible object storage; this is an Access Key/Secret Key pair.
    • In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), you or your administrator creates the Customer Secret Key.
      • An associated Access Key will be generated for the secret key.
      • To create a Customer Secret Key, see Customer Secret Key.

The following example creates a secret mysql-backup-secret in the namespace keycloak. The instructions in this document back up data from MySQL to an Oracle Cloud Object Storage bucket and restore it from there.

  1. MySQL Operator requires a secret to communicate with the S3 compatible object storage, so we create a backup-secret.txt file, which has the object storage credentials.

    aws_access_key_id=<object storage access key>
    aws_secret_access_key=<object storage secret key>
  2. MySQL Operator requires the region name where the bucket is created, so we create a backup-region.txt file, which contains the region information. The following is an example of a backup-region.txt file indicating that the object storage is created in region us-phoenix-1:


  3. In the namespace keycloak, create a Kubernetes secret, for example mysql-backup-secret.

    $ kubectl create secret generic --namespace <backup-namespace> <secret-name> --from-file=<key>=<full_path_to_creds_file> --from-file=<key>=<full_path_to_config_file>

    The following is an example to create a Kubernetes secret consisting of credentials to connect to OCI Object Storage.

    $ kubectl create secret generic --namespace keycloak mysql-backup-secret --from-file=credentials=backup-secret.txt --from-file=config=backup-region.txt

MySQL Operator backup

  1. To initiate a MySQL backup on the original cluster, create the following example custom resource YAML file that uses an OCI Object Storage as a back end. The operator uses the secret referenced in to authenticate with the OCI Object Storage.

    $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
        kind: MySQLBackup
          name: <backup name>
          namespace: keycloak
          clusterName: mysql
            name: <backupProfileName>
                  bucketName: <The Object Storage bucket. See the MySQL Operator prerequisites section.>
                  config: <Kubernetes secret name. See the MySQL Operator prerequisites section.>
                  endpoint: < OCI S3 Object Storage endpoint.>
                  prefix: <The prefix name. This folder will be automatically created.>
                  profile: default

    The following is an example of a MySQLBackup resource to initiate a MySQL backup:

    $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
        kind: MySQLBackup
          name: mysql-backup
          namespace: keycloak
          clusterName: mysql
            name: mysqlOneTime
                  bucketName: mysql-bucket
                  config: mysql-backup-secret
                  prefix: mysql-test
                  profile: default
  2. Confirm that the backup operation is complete. Run the following command on the original cluster and ensure that the STATUS is Completed.

    $ kubectl get MySQLBackup --namespace keycloak
    # Sample output
    NAME           CLUSTER   STATUS      OUTPUT                         AGE
    mysql-backup   mysql     Completed   mysql-backup-20221025-180836   119s

  3. A successful backup of MySQL creates a backup folder in the object storage. Make note of the backup folder prefix name that the MySQL backup created on the original cluster.

    $ kubectl get mysqlbackup --namespace keycloak <mysql-backup-name> -o jsonpath={.status.output}

    The following is an example:

    $ kubectl get mysqlbackup --namespace keycloak mysql-backup -o jsonpath={.status.output}
  4. Back up MySQL Helm chart and values.

    Back up the values in the MySQL Helm chart, in the original cluster to a file, mysql-values.yaml .

    $ helm get values --namespace keycloak mysql > mysql-values.yaml

    MySQL Helm charts are present inside the Verrazzano platform operator. Retrieve the charts from the original cluster to a local directory.

    The following example retrieves the MySQL charts to a directory mysql-charts under the current directory. In order to avoid data corruption, ensure that the directory, mysql-charts, doesn’t already exist under the current directory.

    $ kubectl cp --namespace verrazzano-install \
        $(kubectl get pod --namespace verrazzano-install -l app=verrazzano-platform-operator \
        -o --no-headers):platform-operator/thirdparty/charts/mysql \
        -c verrazzano-platform-operator mysql-charts/

Scheduled backups

You can also implement schedules for running MYSQL backups. For more information, see the Handling MySQL Backups section, “A PersistentVolumeClaim Scheduled Backup Example.”

MySQL Operator restore

Before you begin, read the MySQL Operator prerequisites. In addition, you must have at least one healthy backup before starting a restore operation.

To initiate a MySQL restore operation from an existing backup, you need to recreate the MySQL cluster. Use the following steps for a successful MySQL restore operation:

  1. Delete the MySQL pods and PersistentVolumeClaim from the system on the new cluster.

    $ helm delete mysql --namespace keycloak
    $ kubectl delete pvc --namespace keycloak -l tier=mysql

  2. Start a MySQL restore operation by installing the Helm chart by using the chart from the original cluster.

     $ helm install mysql <path to directory mysql-charts, where original charts are extracted> \
             --namespace keycloak \
             --set<dump-name> \
             --set initDB.dumpOptions.loadUsers=true \
             --set initDB.dump.s3.profile=default \
             --set initDB.dump.s3.prefix=<prefixName/backup folder name> \
             --set initDB.dump.s3.bucketName=<OCI bucket name> \
             --set initDB.dump.s3.config=<Kubernetes secret name, see MySQL Operator prerequisites section.> \
             --set initDB.dump.s3.endpoint=<OCI S3 endpoint> \
             --values <mysql values file>

    The following is an example:

     $ helm install mysql mysql-charts \
             --namespace keycloak \
             --set \
             --set initDB.dump.s3.profile=default \
             --set initDB.dump.s3.prefix=mysql-test/mysql-backup-20221025-180836 \
             --set initDB.dump.s3.bucketName=mysql-bucket \
             --set initDB.dump.s3.config=mysql-backup-secret \
             --set initDB.dump.s3.endpoint= \
             --values mysql-values.yaml
  3. After performing the restore command, wait for the MySQL cluster to be online. Ensure that the STATUS is ONLINE and the count under ONLINE matches the INSTANCES.

    $ kubectl get innodbclusters --namespace keycloak mysql
    # Sample output
    mysql   ONLINE   3        3           3         2m23s
  4. Wait for all the MySQL pods to be in the RUNNING state.

    $ kubectl wait --namespace keycloak --for=condition=ready pod -l tier=mysql --timeout=600s
    # Sample output
    pod/mysql-0 condition met
    pod/mysql-1 condition met
    pod/mysql-2 condition met
    pod/mysql-router-746d9d75c7-6pc5p condition met
    pod/mysql-router-746d9d75c7-bhrkw condition met
    pod/mysql-router-746d9d75c7-t8bhb condition met

    At this point, the MySQL cluster has been restored successfully from the backup, along with the PersistentVolumeClaim that was deleted previously.

  5. If you are restoring Keycloak on a new cluster, then update the Keycloak secret.

    On the original cluster, if you are restoring Keycloak on a new cluster, then run the following command for the keycloak-http secret in keycloak namespace:

     $ kubectl get secret --namespace keycloak keycloak-http -o jsonpath={.data.password}; echo

    On the new cluster, replace the existing password value with the value displayed from the previous command.

     kubectl patch secret keycloak-http --namespace keycloak -p '{"data": {"password": "<password displayed in the step above>"}}'

  6. Restart the Keycloak pods.

    The removal and recreation of the MySQL cluster may bring down the Keycloak pods because MySQL goes offline during the restore operation. Run the following commands to restart the Keycloak pods:

     KEYCLOAK_REPLICAS=$(kubectl get sts --namespace keycloak keycloak -o custom-columns=:status.replicas --no-headers)
     kubectl scale sts --namespace keycloak keycloak --replicas=0
     kubectl scale sts --namespace keycloak keycloak --replicas=${KEYCLOAK_REPLICAS}
     kubectl wait --namespace keycloak --for=condition=ready pod -l --timeout=600s

Update Verrazzano secrets in the new cluster

The following steps are applicable only if you are restoring Keycloak on a new cluster.

After you complete the MySQL restore operation, the password for the following secrets in the verrazzano-system namespace must be updated in the new cluster:

  • verrazzano
  • verrazzano-es-internal
  • verrazzano-prom-internal
  1. On the original cluster, run the following command for the verrazzano secret:

     $ kubectl get secret --namespace verrazzano-system verrazzano -o jsonpath={.data.password}; echo

  2. On the new cluster, replace the existing password value with the value displayed in step 1.

     kubectl patch secret verrazzano --namespace verrazzano-system -p '{"data": {"password": "<password displayed in step 1>"}}'

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the verrazzano-es-internal and verrazzano-prom-internal secrets.

  4. Restart the fluentd pods in the new cluster to use the original cluster password to connect to OpenSearch.

     $ kubectl delete pod -l app=fluentd --namespace verrazzano-system