Argo CD

Back up and restore Argo CD

Verrazzano provides an Argo CD deployment that automates the deployment of the desired application states in the specified target environments. There are scenarios where you may want to back up your Argo CD data and restore it.

Verrazzano uses Velero to facilitate backing up and restoring Argo CD data.

Velero operator prerequisites

Before proceeding with an Argo CD backup or restore operation, the following details should be kept handy:

  • Object store bucket name.
    • An Amazon S3 compatible object storage bucket. This can be an Oracle Cloud Object Storage bucket in any compartment of your Oracle Cloud tenancy.
      • For reference, make a note of the bucket name and tenancy name.
      • For more information about creating a bucket with Object Storage, see Managing Buckets.
    • For private clouds, enterprise networks, or air-gapped environments, this could be MinIO or an equivalent object store solution.
  • Object store prefix name. This will be a child folder under the bucket, which the backup component creates.
  • Object store region name.
  • Object store signing key.
    • A signing key, which is required to authenticate with the Amazon S3 compatible object store; this is an Access Key/Secret Key pair.
    • In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you or your administrator creates the Customer Secret Key.
      • An associated Access Key will be generated for the secret key.
      • To create a Customer Secret Key, see Customer Secret Key.

To back up or restore Argo CD, you must first enable Velero.

  1. The following configuration shows you how to enable velero with a prod installation profile.

      $ kubectl apply -f -<<EOF
        kind: Verrazzano
          name: example-verrazzano
          profile: prod
              enabled: true

  2. After Verrazzano installation is completed, verify that the Velero pods are running in the verrazzano-backup namespace.

    $ kubectl get pod -n verrazzano-backup
    # Sample of pods running after enabling the velero component
    NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    restic-ndxfk              1/1     Running   0          21h
    velero-5ff8766fd4-xbn4z   1/1     Running   0          21h

  3. Velero requires a secret to communicate with the S3 compatible object store, so we create a backup-secret.txt file, which has the object store credentials.

    aws_access_key_id=<object store access key>
    aws_secret_access_key=<object store secret key>

  4. In the namespace verrazzano-backup, create a Kubernetes secret, for example verrazzano-backup-creds.

    $ kubectl create secret generic -n verrazzano-backup <secret-name> --from-file=<key>=<full_path_to_creds_file>

    The following is an example:

    $ kubectl create secret generic -n verrazzano-backup verrazzano-backup-creds --from-file=cloud=backup-secret.txt

    NOTE: To avoid misuse of sensitive data, ensure that the backup-secret.txt file is deleted after the Kubernetes secret is created.

  5. Create a BackupStorageLocation resource, which the backup component will reference for subsequent backups. See the following BackupStorageLocation example, which uses Oracle Cloud Object Storage. For more information, see Backup Storage Location in the Velero documentation.

     $ kubectl apply -f -<<EOF
       kind: BackupStorageLocation
         name: verrazzano-backup-location
         namespace: verrazzano-backup
         provider: aws
           bucket: example-verrazzano
           prefix: backup-demo
           name: verrazzano-backup-creds
           key: cloud
           region: us-phoenix-1
           s3ForcePathStyle: "true"
           s3Url: https://<myobjstorenamespace>

Argo CD backup using Velero

If you created applications with resources running in different namespaces, other than argocd, then based on the following criteria you can back up and restore Argo CD:

  • If applications running in different namespaces use persistent volumes, then you can back up the namespace where the applications are running with the PV.
  • If applications running in different namespaces do not use persistent storage, then:
    • Take a backup of all the namespaces where the application is running by specifying the namespaces as a list.
    • Take a backup of only the argocd namespace, create all the namespaces of different applications, and then restore from the backup.

The following example shows a sample Velero Backup API resource that you can create to initiate an Argo CD backup.

  $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
  kind: Backup
    name: verrazzano-argocd-backup
    namespace: verrazzano-backup
    - argocd
    defaultVolumesToRestic: false
    storageLocation:  verrazzano-backup-location

The preceding example backs up the Argo CD components:

  • The defaultVolumesToRestic is set to false so that Velero ignores the associated PVCs.
  • If the deployed applications refer to a database or persistent volumes, then you need to manually create a backup.
Argo CD backup status
# To display the status of the backup, run the following command
$ kubectl get -n verrazzano-backup verrazzano-argocd-backup -o yaml
# Sample output showing just the status portion of the backup
  completionTimestamp: ...
  expiration: ...
  formatVersion: 1.1.0
  phase: Completed
    itemsBackedUp: 232
    totalItems: 232
  startTimestamp: ...
  version: 1

Argo CD scheduled backups

Velero supports a Schedule API that is a repeatable request that is sent to the Velero server to perform a backup for a given cron notation. After the Schedule object is created, the Velero server will start the backup process. Then, it will wait for the next valid point in the given cron expression and run the backup process on a repeating basis.

Argo CD restore using Velero

To initiate an Argo CD restore operation, first delete the existing Argo CD running on the system and all related data. Make sure that the data you are deleting is not needed. The restore operation will only restore data from the specified backup, and any additional data since that backup will be destroyed by the deletion.

If you restore Argo CD to a different cluster, create a Velero BackupStorageLocation resource in the new cluster that points to the same backup storage location configured in the original cluster. This ensures that the Velero resources created by the original cluster’s backup are automatically synced to the new cluster. Once the sync completes, you will be able to access the backup from the original cluster on the new cluster. It is recommended to configure the BackupStorageLocation on the new cluster as read-only by setting accessMode to ReadOnly in the BackupStorageLocation spec. This ensures that the backup in the object store is not modified from the new cluster. For more information, see Backup Storage Location in the Velero documentation.

  1. Delete the Argo CD components and the namespace.

    # These are sample commands to demonstrate the Argo CD restore process
    $ kubectl delete sts -l -n argocd
    $ kubectl delete deploy -l -n argocd
    $ kubectl delete pvc -n argocd <pvc name>
    $ kubectl delete ns argocd

  2. To perform an Argo CD restore operation, you can invoke the following example Velero Restore API object.

    NOTE: For Argo CD, includedNamespaces should list all the namespaces across which the applications are deployed.

     $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
      kind: Restore
        name: verrazzano-argocd-restore
        namespace: verrazzano-backup
        backupName: verrazzano-argocd-backup
        - argocd

    The preceding example will restore an Argo CD cluster from an existing backup.

  3. Wait for all the Argo CD pods to be in the RUNNING state.

      $ kubectl wait -n argocd --for=condition=ready pod -l

    Sample output:

        pod/argocd-application-controller-0 condition met
        pod/argocd-applicationset-controller-8489bfbb8-4f686 condition met
        pod/argocd-notifications-controller-c4f5c9684-8qzl8 condition met
        pod/argocd-redis-548968fdd9-4jcrf condition met
        pod/argocd-repo-server-5889c8cc68-5n8j6 condition met
        pod/argocd-server-67b6994987-j9z99 condition met

Argo CD restore status
# To display the status of the restore, run the following command
$ kubectl get restore -n verrazzano-backup verrazzano-argocd-restore -o yaml
# Sample output showing just the status portion of the restore
  completionTimestamp: ...
  phase: Completed
    itemsRestored: 75
    totalItems: 75
  startTimestamp: ...