Use the Bug Report Tool

Use the Bug Report command-line tool to capture and archive cluster information

Use the vz bug-report tool to selectively capture cluster information and create an archive (*.tar.gz) file to help diagnose problems. The archive file helps development and support teams analyze issues and provide recommendations.

CLI setup

To set up the vz command-line tool, follow the steps here.

Use the vz bug-report tool

To create a bug report in a TAR file named my-bug-report.tar.gz:

$ vz bug-report --report-file my-bug-report.tar.gz

We suggest that you review the contents of the bug report before sharing it with support and development teams.

Usage information

Use the following syntax to run vz commands from your terminal window.

$ vz bug-report [flags]

Available options

Command Definition
-h, --help Help for the vz bug-report command.
-i, --include-namespaces strings A comma-separated list of namespaces, in addition to the ones collected by default (system namespaces), for collecting cluster information. This flag can be specified multiple times, such as --include-namespaces ns1 --include-namespaces ns...
-r, --report-file string The report file created by the vz bug-report command, as a *.tar.gz file. Defaults to bug-report.tar.gz in the current directory.
-l --include-logs Include logs from the pods in one or more namespaces; this is specified along with the --include-namespaces flag.
-d --duration duration The time period during which the logs are collected in seconds, minutes, and hours.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output.

Available flags

These flags apply to all the commands.

Flag Definition
--context string The name of the kubeconfig file context to use.
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use.


  • Create a bug report file, bugreport.tar.gz, by collecting data from the cluster:

    $ vz bug-report --report-file bugreport.tar.gz

    When --report-file is not provided, the command creates bug-report.tar.gz in the current directory.

  • Create a bug report file, bugreport.tar.gz, including the additional namespace ns1 from the cluster:

    $ vz bug-report --report-file bugreport.tgz --include-namespaces ns1

  • The flag --include-namespaces accepts comma-separated values and can be specified multiple times. For example, the following commands create a bug report by including the additional namespaces ns1, ns2, and ns3:

    $ vz bug-report --report-file bugreport.tgz --include-namespaces ns1,ns2,ns3
    $ vz bug-report --report-file bugreport.tgz --include-namespaces ns1,ns2 --include-namespaces ns3

  • Use the --include-logs flag to collect the logs from the pods in one or more namespaces, by specifying the --include-namespaces flag. For example, the following command creates a bug report by including the logs from the additional namespaces ns1 and ns2:

    $ vz bug-report --report-file bugreport.tgz --include-namespaces ns1,ns2 --include-logs

  • The --duration flag collects logs for the specified time period. The default value is zero (0), which collects the complete pod log. You can specify seconds, minutes, and hours. For example, the following commands create bug reports by including the logs from the additional namespaces ns1 and ns2 during the specified periods of time:

    $ vz bug-report --report-file bugreport.tgz --include-namespaces ns1,ns2 --include-logs --duration 5m
    $ vz bug-report --report-file bugreport.tgz --include-namespaces ns1,ns2 --include-logs --duration 2h
    $ vz bug-report --report-file bugreport.tgz --include-namespaces ns1,ns2 --include-logs --duration 300s

    The values specified for the flag --include-namespaces are case-sensitive.