Use Kubernetes Custom Resources

Register managed clusters using kubectl

To register managed clusters using the VerrazzanoManagedCluster resource, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the environment variables, KUBECONFIG_ADMIN, KUBECONTEXT_ADMIN, KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1, and KUBECONTEXT_MANAGED1, and point them to the kubeconfig files and contexts for the admin and managed cluster, respectively. You will use these environment variables in subsequent steps when registering the managed cluster. The following shows an example of how to set these environment variables.

    $ export KUBECONFIG_ADMIN=/path/to/your/adminclusterkubeconfig
    $ export KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1=/path/to/your/managedclusterkubeconfig
    # Lists the contexts in each kubeconfig file
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN config get-contexts -o=name
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 config get-contexts -o=name
    # Choose the right context name for your admin and managed clusters from the output shown and set the KUBECONTEXT
    # environment variables
    $ export KUBECONTEXT_ADMIN=<admin-cluster-context-name>
    $ export KUBECONTEXT_MANAGED1=<managed-cluster-context-name>

  2. To begin the registration process for a managed cluster named managed1, apply the VerrazzanoManagedCluster resource on the admin cluster.

    # On the admin cluster
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN --context $KUBECONTEXT_ADMIN \
        apply -f <<EOF -
    kind: VerrazzanoManagedCluster
      name: managed1
      namespace: verrazzano-mc
      description: "Test VerrazzanoManagedCluster resource"

  3. Wait for the VerrazzanoManagedCluster resource to reach the Ready status. At that point, it will have generated a YAML file that must be applied on the managed cluster to complete the registration process.

    # On the admin cluster
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN --context $KUBECONTEXT_ADMIN \
        wait --for=condition=Ready \
        vmc managed1 -n verrazzano-mc

  4. Export the YAML file created to register the managed cluster.

    # On the admin cluster
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN --context $KUBECONTEXT_ADMIN \
        get secret verrazzano-cluster-managed1-manifest \
        -n verrazzano-mc \
        -o jsonpath={.data.yaml} | base64 --decode > register.yaml

  5. Apply the registration file exported in the previous step, on the managed cluster.

    # On the managed cluster
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 --context $KUBECONTEXT_MANAGED1 \
        apply -f register.yaml
    # After the command succeeds, you may delete the register.yaml file
    $ rm register.yaml