
Learn about Verrazzano log collection and viewing

The Verrazzano logging stack consists of Fluentd, OpenSearch, and OpenSearch Dashboards components.

  • Fluentd: a log aggregator that collects, processes, and formats logs from Kubernetes clusters.
  • OpenSearch: a scalable search and analytics engine for storing Kubernetes logs.
  • OpenSearch Dashboards: a visualization layer that provides a user interface to query and visualize collected logs.

As shown in the following diagram, logs written to stdout by a container running on Kubernetes are picked up by the kubelet service running on that node and written to /var/log/containers.


Fluentd sidecar

For components with multiple log streams or that cannot log to stdout, Verrazzano deploys a Fluentd sidecar which parses and translates the log stream. The resulting log is sent to stdout of the sidecar container and then written to /var/log/containers by the kubelet service.

For example, in a WebLogic deployment, AdminServer.log is consumed, translated, and written to stdout by the Fluentd sidecar. You can view these logs using kubectl on the container named fluentd-stdout-sidecar.

$ kubectl logs tododomain-adminserver \
   -n todo-list \
   -c fluentd-stdout-sidecar

The Verrazzano Fluentd Docker image comes with these plug-ins:

The Verrazzano Fluentd Docker image also has two local default plug-ins, kubernetes_parser and kubernetes_multiline_parser. These plug-ins help to parse Kubernetes management log files.

Here are example use cases for these plug-ins:

# ---- fluentd.conf ----
# kubernetes parser
  @type tail
  path ./kubelet.log
  read_from_head yes
  tag kubelet
     @type multiline_kubernetes

# kubernetes multi-line parser
  @type tail
  path ./kubelet.log
  read_from_head yes
  tag kubelet
     @type multiline_kubernetes
# ----   EOF      ----

Fluentd DaemonSet

Verrazzano deploys a Fluentd DaemonSet which runs one Fluentd replica per node in the verrazzano-system namespace. Each instance pulls logs from the node’s /var/log/containers directory and writes them to the target OpenSearch data stream. Verrazzano system applications receive special handling, and write their logs to the verrazzano-system data stream. Verrazzano application logs are exported to a data stream based on the application’s namespace, following this format: verrazzano-application-<application namespace>.

For example, vmi-system-kibana logs written to /var/log/containers will be pulled by Fluentd and written to OpenSearch. The logs are exported to the verrazzano-system data stream, because vmi-system-kibana is a Verrazzano system application. For a non-system application, if it is in the myapp namespace, then its logs will be exported to the verrazzano-application-myapp data stream.


Verrazzano creates an OpenSearch cluster as the store and search engine for the logs processed by Fluentd. Records written by Fluentd can be queried using the OpenSearch REST API.

For example, you can use curl to get all of the OpenSearch data streams. First, you must get the password for the verrazzano user and the host for the Verrazzano Monitoring Instance (VMI) OpenSearch.

$ PASS=$(kubectl get secret \
    --namespace verrazzano-system verrazzano \
    -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 \
    --decode; echo)
$ HOST=$(kubectl get ingress \
    -n verrazzano-system vmi-system-es-ingest \
    -o jsonpath={.spec.rules[0].host})

$ curl -ik \
   --user verrazzano:$PASS https://$HOST/_data_stream

To see all of the records for a specific data stream, do the following:

$ DATA_STREAM=verrazzano-application-todo-list

$ curl -ik \
    --user verrazzano:$PASS https://$HOST/$DATA_STREAM/_search?q=message:*

Verrazzano provides support for Installation Profiles. The production profile (prod), which is the default, provides a 3-node OpenSearch and persistent storage for the VMI. The development profile (dev) provides a single node OpenSearch and no persistent storage for the VMI. The managed-cluster profile does not install OpenSearch or OpenSearch Dashboards in the local cluster; all logs are forwarded to the admin cluster’s OpenSearch instance.

If you want the logs sent to an external OpenSearch, instead of the default VMI OpenSearch, specify opensearchURL and opensearchSecret in the Fluentd Component configuration in your Verrazzano custom resource.

The following is an example of a Verrazzano custom resource to send the logs to the OpenSearch endpoint https://external-es.default.

apiVersion: install.verrazzano.io/v1beta1
kind: Verrazzano
  name: default
      opensearchURL: https://external-es.default.
      opensearchSecret: external-es-secret

OpenSearch Dashboards

OpenSearch Dashboards is a visualization dashboard for the content indexed on an OpenSearch cluster. Verrazzano creates a OpenSearch Dashboards deployment to provide a user interface for querying and visualizing the log data collected in OpenSearch.

To access the OpenSearch Dashboards, read Access Verrazzano.

To see the records of an OpenSearch index or data stream through OpenSearch Dashboards, create an index pattern to filter for records under the desired data stream or index.

For example, to see the log records of a WebLogic application deployed to the todo-list namespace, create an index pattern of verrazzano-application-todo-*.

OpenSearch Dashboards

Log rotation

We recommend configuring log rotation for OpenSearch using Index State Management (ISM) or a periodic job to purge or snapshot old records. For information on configuring OpenSearch ISM, see the ISM setup page.

A basic implementation of job-based log rotation (not using ISM) is provided in the following example, implemented using a Kubernetes CronJob. To install the log rotation example on your cluster, save the snippet to a file and make the following modifications:

  • Substitue the value of OPENSEARCH_HOST with your specific OpenSearch HTTPS endpoint.
  • By default, the CronJob deletes the last 7 days of data. You may customize this by modifying the query in the ConfigMap.
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: log-rotate
  namespace: verrazzano-system
    app: log-rotate
  # Rotate logs every day at midnight
  schedule: "0 0 * * *"
            app: log-rotate
            sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
          - name: log-rotate
            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - /opt/script/rotate
            - name: "OPENSEARCH_HOST"
              value: "https://elasticsearch.vmi.system.default."
            - name: OPENSEARCH_USER
                  key: username
                  name: verrazzano
                  optional: true
            - name: OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD
                  key: password
                  name: verrazzano
                  optional: true
            image: ghcr.io/oracle/oraclelinux:7-slim
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - mountPath: /opt/script
              name: log-rotate          
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
          - configMap:
              defaultMode: 0777
              name: log-rotate
            name: log-rotate

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: log-rotate
  namespace: verrazzano-system
    app: log-rotate
  rotate: |
    curl -v --silent -k -u "$OPENSEARCH_USER:$OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD" -X POST "$OPENSEARCH_HOST/verrazzano-*/_delete_by_query" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "filter": [
              "range": {
                "@timestamp": {
                  "lt": "now-7d"