Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Instructions for setting up an Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster for Verrazzano

Install Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Deploy Oracle Cloud Native Environment with the Kubernetes module, following instructions from Oracle Cloud Native Environment: Getting Started.

  • Install a Kubernetes network load balancer implementation, such as OCI-CCM or MetalLB.
  • Install a Container Storage Interface Driver, such as OCI-CCM or Gluster.


  • The oci-ccm module does not elect a default StorageClass or configure policies for the CSIDrivers that it installs. A reasonable choice is the oci-bv StorageClass with its CSIDriver configured with the File group policy.

    kubectl patch sc oci-bv -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: CSIDriver
      fsGroupPolicy: File
  • Unless explicitly configured, the externalip-validation-webhook-service defaults to blocking all external IP addresses in the cluster, which causes the Verrazzano installation to fail because an IP address cannot be assigned to an ingress controller. When this situation occurs, the Verrazzano platform operator logs will contain a message similar to this:

    admission webhook "validate-externalip.webhook.svc" denied the request: spec.externalIPs:
        Invalid value: "<external IP address>": externalIP specified is not allowed to use

    To avoid this error, either disable the externalip-validation-webhook-service or configure the service with your load balancer IP addresses prior to installing Verrazzano. For more information, see Enabling Access to all externalIPs.


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure The following is an example of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure that can be used to evaluate Verrazzano installed on Oracle Cloud Native Environment. If other environments are used, the capacity and configuration should be similar.

You can use the VCN Wizard of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to automatically create most of the described network infrastructure. Additional security lists and rules, as detailed in the following sections, need to be added manually. All Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) values provided are examples and can be customized as required.

Virtual Cloud Network (for example, CIDR

Public Subnet for Load Balancer (for example, CIDR

Security List / Ingress Rules

Stateless Destination Protocol Source Ports Destination Ports Type & Code Description
No ICMP 3, 4 ICMP errors
No ICMP 3 ICMP errors
No TCP All 22 SSH
No TCP All 443 HTTPS load balancer

Security List / Egress Rules

Stateless Destination Protocol Source Ports Destination Ports Type & Code Description
No TCP All 22 SSH
No TCP All 31443 HTTPS load balancer
No TCP All 32443 HTTPS load balancer

Private Subnet for Kubernetes Cluster (for example, CIDR

Security List / Ingress Rules

Stateless Destination Protocol Source Ports Destination Ports Type & Code Description
No ICMP 3, 4 ICMP errors
No ICMP 3 ICMP errors
No TCP All 22 SSH
No TCP All 31443 HTTPS load balancer
No TCP All 32443 HTTPS load balancer
No TCP All 2379-2380 Kubernetes etcd
No TCP All 6443 Kubernetes API Server
No TCP All 6446 MySQL
No TCP All 8090-8091 Oracle Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent
No UDP All 8472 Flannel
No TCP All 10250-10255 Kubernetes Kublet

Security List / Egress Rules

Stateless Destination Protocol Source Ports Destination Ports Type and Code Description
No TCP All egress traffic

DHCP Options

DNS Type
Internet and VCN Resolver

Route Tables

Public Subnet Route Table Rules

Destination Target Internet Gateway

Private Subnet Route Table Rules

Destination Target NAT Gateway
All Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Services Service Gateway

Compute Instances

The following compute resources adhere to the guidelines provided in Oracle Cloud Native Environment: Getting Started. The attributes indicated (for example, Subnet, RAM, Shape, and Image) are recommendations that have been tested. Other values can be used if required.

Role Subnet Suggested RAM Compatible VM Shape Compatible VM Image
SSH Jump Host Public 8 GB VM.Standard3.Flex Oracle Linux 7.9
Oracle Cloud Native Environment Operator Host Private 16 GB VM.Standard3.Flex Oracle Linux 7.9
Kubernetes Control Plane Node Private 32 GB VM.Standard3.Flex Oracle Linux 7.9
Kubernetes Worker Node 1 Private 32 GB VM.Standard3.Flex Oracle Linux 7.9
Kubernetes Worker Node 2 Private 32 GB VM.Standard3.Flex Oracle Linux 7.9
Kubernetes Worker Node 3 Private 32 GB VM.Standard3.Flex Oracle Linux 7.9

Next steps

To continue, see the Installation Guide.