Access Verrazzano

Information and tools to support operating Verrazzano

Get the consoles URLs

Verrazzano installs several consoles. The endpoints for an installation are stored in the Status field of the installed Verrazzano Custom Resource.

You can access the installation endpoints using the Verrazzano CLI or with kubectl. See the following respective sections.

Get consoles credentials

You will need the credentials to access the consoles installed by Verrazzano.

Consoles accessed by the same user name

  • Grafana
  • Prometheus
  • OpenSearch Dashboards
  • OpenSearch
  • Kiali
  • Jaeger

User: verrazzano

To get the password:

$ kubectl get secret \
    --namespace verrazzano-system verrazzano \
    -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 \
    --decode; echo

The Keycloak admin console

User: keycloakadmin

To get the password:

$ kubectl get secret \
    --namespace keycloak keycloak-http \
    -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 \
    --decode; echo

The Rancher console

You can log in to the Rancher console using the verrazzano user configured in Keycloak or with the local admin user for Rancher. To log in with Keycloak, select the Log in with Keycloak link or select the Use a local user link to log in with the local user.

Local Admin User: admin

To get the password:

$ kubectl get secret \
    --namespace cattle-system rancher-admin-secret \
    -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 \
    --decode; echo

Keycloak User: verrazzano

To get the password:

$ kubectl get secret \
    --namespace verrazzano-system verrazzano \
    -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 \
    --decode; echo

Change the Verrazzano password

To change the Verrazzano password, first change the user password in Keycloak and then update the Verrazzano secret.

Change the user in Keycloak

  1. Navigate to the Keycloak admin console.

    a. Obtain the Keycloak admin console URL, as described here.

    b. Obtain the Keycloak admin console credentials, as described here.

  2. In the left pane, select the verrazzano-system realm from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the left pane, under Manage, select Users.

  4. In the Users pane, search for verrazzano or click View all users.

  5. For the verrazzano user, click the Edit action.

  6. At the top, select the Credentials tab.

  7. Specify the new password and confirm.

  8. Specify whether the new password is a temporary password. A temporary password must be reset on next login.

  9. Click Reset Password.

  10. Save and confirm the password reset by clicking Reset password in the confirmation dialog.

Update the Verrazzano secret

Get the base64 encoding for your new password.

$ echo -n '<new password of verrazzano user>' | base64

Update the password in the secret to replace the existing password value with the new base64 encoded value.

$ kubectl patch secret verrazzano -n verrazzano-system -p '{"data": {"password": "<base64 password of verrazzano user>"}}'

Change the Keycloak administrator password

To change the Keycloak administrator password, first change the user password in Keycloak and then update the Keycloak secret.

Change the administrator user in Keycloak

  1. Navigate to the Keycloak admin console.

    a. Obtain the Keycloak admin console URL, as described here.

    b. Obtain the Keycloak admin console credentials, as described here.

  2. In the left pane, select the master realm from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the left pane, under Manage, select Users.

  4. In the Users pane, select the keycloakadmin user.

  5. At the top, select the Credentials tab.

  6. Click Reset password.

  7. Specify the new password and confirm.

  8. Specify whether the new password is a temporary password. A temporary password must be reset on next login.

  9. Save and confirm the password reset by clicking Reset password in the confirmation dialog.

Update the Keycloak secret

Get the base64 encoding for your new password.

$ echo -n '<new password for keycloakadmin user>' | base64

Update the password in the secret to replace the existing password value with the new base64 encoded value.

$ kubectl patch secret keycloak-http -n keycloak -p '{"data": {"password": "<base64 password of keycloakadmin user>"}}''