Multicluster Verrazzano

Troubleshoot issues with multicluster setup and applications

This document describes some common problems you might encounter when using multicluster Verrazzano, and how to troubleshoot them.

If you created multicluster resources in the admin cluster, and specified a placement value in a managed cluster, then those resources will get created in that managed cluster. If they do not get created in the managed cluster, then use the following steps to troubleshoot:

  • Verify that the managed cluster is registered correctly and can connect to the admin cluster.
  • Verify that the VerrazzanoProject for the resource’s namespace, also has a placement in that managed cluster.
  • Check the multicluster resource’s status field on the admin cluster to know what the status of that resource is on each managed cluster to which it is targeted.

If you update the DNS of the admin cluster and notice that the managed cluster status is unavailable in the Rancher console, along with the error x509: certificate is valid for <rancher new url>, not <rancher old url> seen in the cattle-cluster-agent (Rancher Agent) logs on the managed cluster, then re-register the managed cluster, as described here.

Verify managed cluster registration and connectivity

You can verify that a managed cluster was successfully registered with an admin cluster by viewing the corresponding VerrazzanoManagedCluster (VMC) resource on the admin cluster. For example, to verify that a managed cluster named managed1 was successfully registered:

# on the admin cluster
$ kubectl get verrazzanomanagedcluster managed1 \
    -n verrazzano-mc \
    -o yaml

Partial sample output from the previous command:

    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-06-22T21:03:27Z"
      message: Ready
      status: "True"
      type: Ready
    lastAgentConnectTime: "2021-06-22T21:06:04Z"
    ... other fields ...

Check the lastAgentConnectTime in the status of the VMC resource. This is the last time at which the managed cluster connected to the admin cluster. If this value is not present, then the managed cluster named managed1 never successfully connected to the admin cluster. This could be due to several reasons:

  1. The managed cluster registration process step of applying the registration YAML on the managed cluster, was not completed. For the complete setup instructions, see here.

  2. The managed cluster does not have network connectivity to the admin cluster. The managed cluster will attempt to connect to the admin cluster at regular intervals, and any errors will be reported in the verrazzano-application-operator pod’s log on the managed cluster. View the logs using the following command:

# on the managed cluster
$ kubectl logs \
    -n verrazzano-system \
    -l app=verrazzano-application-operator

If these logs reveal that there is a connectivity issue, check the admin cluster Kubernetes server address that you provided during registration and ensure that it is correct, and that it is reachable from the managed cluster. If it is incorrect, then you will need to repeat the managed cluster registration process described in the setup instructions here.

Verify VerrazzanoProject placement

For Verrazzano to create an application namespace in a managed cluster, that namespace must be part of a VerrazzanoProject that:

  1. Includes that namespace.
  2. Has a placement value that includes that managed cluster.

View the details of the project that corresponds to your application’s namespace. In the example command that follows, the project name is assumed to be myproject. All projects are expected to be created in the verrazzano-mc namespace.

# on the admin cluster
$ kubectl get verrazzanoproject myproject \
    -n verrazzano-mc \
    -o yaml

The following partial sample output is for a project that will result in the namespace mynamespace being created on the managed cluster managed1.

    - name: managed1
    - metadata:
        name: mynamespace
....other fields....

Check the multicluster resource status

On the admin cluster, each multicluster resource’s status field is updated with the status of the underlying resource on each managed cluster in which it is placed.

The following example command shows how to view the status of a MultiClusterApplicationConfiguration named myapp, in the namespace mynamespace, that has a placement value that includes the managed cluster managed1.

$ kubectl get multiclusterapplicationconfiguration myapp \
    -n mynamespace \
    -o yaml

The status of the underlying resource in each cluster specified in the placement is shown in the following partial sample output:

    - lastUpdateTime: "2021-06-22T21:05:04Z"
      message: OAM Application Configuration created
      name: managed1
      state: Succeeded
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-06-22T21:03:58Z"
      message: OAM Application Configuration created
      status: "True"
      type: DeployComplete
    state: Succeeded

The status message contains additional information on the operation’s success or failure.

Re-register the managed cluster

Perform the following steps to re-register the managed cluster with the admin cluster. The cluster against which to run the command is indicated in each code block.

  1. On the admin cluster, export the register YAML file newly created on the admin cluster to re-register the managed cluster.
    # On the admin cluster
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN --context $KUBECONTEXT_ADMIN \
        get secret verrazzano-cluster-managed1-manifest \
        -n verrazzano-mc \
        -o jsonpath={.data.yaml} | base64 --decode > register_new.yaml
  2. On the managed cluster, apply the registration file exported in the previous step.
    # On the managed cluster
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 --context $KUBECONTEXT_MANAGED1 \
        apply -f register_new.yaml
    # Once the command succeeds, you may delete the register_new.yaml file
    $ rm register_new.yaml
  3. On the admin cluster, run kubectl patch to trigger redeployment of the Rancher agent on the managed cluster.
    # On the admin cluster
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN --context $KUBECONTEXT_ADMIN \
    # Sample output
    NAME      AGE
    c-mzb2h   4h48m
    local     4h56m
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN --context $KUBECONTEXT_ADMIN \ 
        patch <the managed cluster name from the above output> \
        -p '{"status":{"agentImage":"dummy"}}' --type merge
    # Sample output patched