
Review the prerequisite requirements, software versions installed and supported by Verrazzano

Verrazzano requires the following:

  • A Kubernetes cluster and a compatible kubectl.
  • At least two CPUs, 100GB disk storage, and 16GB RAM available on the Kubernetes worker nodes. This is sufficient to install the development profile of Verrazzano. Depending on the resource requirements of the applications you deploy, this may or may not be sufficient for deploying your applications.

Supported hardware

Verrazzano requires x86-64; other architectures are not supported.

Supported software versions

Verrazzano supports the following software versions.


You can install Verrazzano on the following Kubernetes versions.

Verrazzano Kubernetes Versions
1.3 1.21, 1.22, 1.23
1.2 1.19, 1.20, 1.21
1.1 1.19, 1.20, 1.21
1.0 1.18, 1.19, 1.20

For more information, see Kubernetes Release Documentation. For platform specific details, see Verrazzano platform setup.

WebLogic Server

The supported versions of WebLogic Server are dependent on the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator version. See the WebLogic Server versions supported here.


The supported versions of Coherence are dependent on the Coherence Operator version. See the Coherence versions supported here.


Verrazzano supports all versions of Helidon. For more information, see Helidon and Helidon Commercial Offerings.

Installed components

Verrazzano installs a curated set of open source components. The following table lists each component, its version, and a brief description.

Component Version Description
alert-manager 0.24.0 Handles alerts sent by client applications, such as the Prometheus server.
cert-manager 1.7.1 Automates the management and issuance of TLS certificates.
Coherence Operator 3.2.5 Assists with deploying and managing Coherence clusters.
ExternalDNS 0.10.2 Synchronizes exposed Kubernetes Services and ingresses with DNS providers.
Fluentd 1.12.3 Collects logs and sends them to OpenSearch.
Grafana 7.5.11 Tool to help you examine, analyze, and monitor metrics.
Istio 1.13.5 Service mesh that layers transparently onto existing distributed applications.
Jaeger Operator 1.32.0 Distributed tracing system for monitoring and troubleshooting distributed systems.
Keycloak 15.0.2 Provides single sign-on with Identity and Access Management.
Kiali 1.42.0 Management console for the Istio service mesh.
kube-state-metrics 2.4.2 Provides metrics about the state of Kubernetes API objects.
MySQL 8.0.28 Open source relational database management system used by Keycloak.
NGINX Ingress Controller 1.1.1 Traffic management solution for cloud‑native applications in Kubernetes.
Node Exporter 1.3.1 Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics.
OAM Kubernetes Runtime 0.3.0 Plug-in for implementing Open Application Model (OAM) control plane with Kubernetes.
OpenSearch 1.2.3 Provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine.
OpenSearch Dashboards 1.2.0 Provides search and data visualization capabilities for data indexed in OpenSearch.
Prometheus 2.34.0 Provides event monitoring and alerting.
Prometheus Adapter 0.9.1 Provides metrics in support of pod autoscaling.
Prometheus Operator 0.55.1 Provides management for Prometheus monitoring tools.
Prometheus Pushgateway 1.4.2 Allows ephemeral and batch jobs to expose their metrics to Prometheus.
Rancher 2.6.6 Manages multiple Kubernetes clusters.
WebLogic Kubernetes Operator 3.4.3 Assists with deploying and managing WebLogic domains.