Lift-and-Shift Guide

A guide for moving WebLogic Server domains to Verrazzano

This guide describes how to move (“Lift-and-Shift”) an on-premises WebLogic Server domain to a cloud environment running Kubernetes using Verrazzano.


The Initial steps create a very simple on-premises domain that you will move to Kubernetes. The sample domain is the starting point for the lift and shift process; it contains one application (ToDo List) and one data source. First, you’ll configure the database and the WebLogic Server domain. Then, in Lift and Shift, you will move the domain to Kubernetes with Verrazzano. This guide does not include the setup of the networking that would be needed to access an on-premises database, nor does it document how to migrate a database to the cloud.

What you need

Initial steps

In the initial steps, you create a sample domain that represents your on-premises WebLogic Server domain.

Create a database using MySQL called tododb

  1. Download the MySQL image from Docker Hub.

    $ docker pull mysql:latest
  2. Start the container database (and optionally mount a volume for data).

    $ export MYSQL_USER=<your-mysql-username>
    $ export MYSQL_PASSWORD=<your-mysql-password>
    $ export MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<your-mysql-rootpassword>
    $ docker run --name tododb \
      -p 3306:3306 \
      -e MYSQL_DATABASE=tododb \
      -d mysql:latest
  3. Start a MySQL client to change the password algorithm to mysql_native_password.

    • Assuming the database server is running, start a database CLI client.
      $ docker exec \
         -it tododb mysql \
         -uroot \
    • When prompted for the password, enter the password for the root user.
    • After being connected, run the ALTER command at the MySQL prompt.
      $ ALTER USER '<your-mysql-username>'@'%' identified with mysql_native_password by '<your-mysql-password>';

Create a WebLogic Server domain

  1. If you do not have WebLogic Server installed, install it now.

    • Choose the GENERIC installer from WebLogic Server Downloads and follow the documented installation instructions.

    • Be aware of these domain limitations:

      • There are two supported domain types, single server and single cluster.
      • Domains must use:
        • The default value AdminServer for AdminServerName.
        • WebLogic Server listen port for the Administration Server: 7001.
        • WebLogic Server listen port for the Managed Server: 8001.
        • Note that these are all standard WebLogic Server default values.
    • Save the installer after you have finished; you will need it to build the Docker image.

    • To make copying commands easier, define an environment variable for ORACLE_HOME that points to the directory where you installed WebLogic Server For example:

      $ export ORACLE_HOME=$HOME/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home
  2. Use the Oracle WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard to create a domain called tododomain.

    NOTE: This example assumes that the on premises WebLogic Server domain is on Linux.

    • Launch $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/
    • Select Create a new domain.
    • Specify a Domain Location of <oracle home>/user_projects/domains/tododomain and click Next.
    • Select the Basic WebLogic Server Domain [wlserver] template and click Next.
    • Enter the password for the administrative user and click Next.
    • Accept the defaults for Domain Mode and JDK, and click Next.
    • Select Administration Server and click Next.
    • Ensure that the server name is AdminServer and click Next.
    • Click Create.
    • After it has completed, click Next, then Finish.
  3. To start the newly created domain, run the domain’s start.

     $ $ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/tododomain/bin/
  4. Access the Console of the newly started domain with your browser, for example, http://localhost:7001/console, and log in using the administrator credentials you specified.

Add a data source configuration to access the database

Using the WebLogic Server Administration Console, log in and add a data source configuration to access the MySQL database. During the data source configuration, you can accept the default values for most fields, but the following fields are required to match the application and database settings you used when you created the MySQL database.

  1. In the left pane in the Console, expand Services and select Data Sources.

  2. On the Summary of JDBC Data Sources page, click New and select Generic Data Source.

  3. On the JDBC Data Sources page, enter or select the following information:

    • Name: tododb
    • JNDI Name: jdbc/ToDoDB
    • Database Type: MySQL
  4. Click Next and then click Next two more times.

  5. On the Create a New JDBC Data Source page, enter the following information:

    • Database Name: tododb
    • Host name: localhost
    • Database Port: 3306
    • Database User Name: <your-mysql-username>
    • Password: <your-mysql-password>
    • Confirm Password: <your-mysql-password>
  6. Click Next.

  7. Select Test Configuration, and make sure you see “Connection Test Succeeded” in the Messages field of the Console.

    Connection test

  8. Click Next.

  9. On the Select Targets page, select AdminServer.

  10. Click Finish to complete the configuration.

Build and deploy the application

  1. Using Maven, build this project to produce todo.war.

    NOTE: You should clone this repo outside of $ORACLE_HOME or copy the WAR file to another location, as WDT may ignore it during the model creation phase.

     $ git clone
     $ cd examples/todo-list/
     $ mvn clean package
  2. Using the WebLogic Server Administration Console, deploy the ToDo List application.

    • In the left pane in the Console, select Deployments and click Install.
    • Use the navigation links or provide the file path to todo.war typically <repo>/todo-list/target. For example, if you cloned the examples repository in your $HOME directory, the location should be $HOME/examples/examples/todo-list/target/todo.war.
    • Click Next twice, then Finish.

    NOTE: The remaining steps assume that the application context is todo.

Initialize the database

After the application is deployed and running in WebLogic Server, access the http://localhost:7001/todo/rest/items/init REST service to create the database table used by the application. In addition to creating the application table, the init service also will load four sample items into the table.

If you get an error here, go back to the Select Targets page in the WebLogic Server Administration Console and make sure that you selected AdminServer as the data source target.

Access the application

  • Access the application at http://localhost:7001/todo/index.html.


  • Add a few entries or delete some.
  • After verifying the application and database, you may shut down the local WebLogic Server domain.

Lift and Shift steps

The following steps will move the sample domain to Kubernetes with Verrazzano.

Create a WDT Model

  • If you have not already done so, download v1.9.15 or later of WebLogic Deploy Tooling (WDT) from GitHub.
  • Unzip the installer file so that you can access bin/
  • To make copying commands easier, define an environment variable for WDT_HOME that points to the directory where you installed WebLogic Deploy Tooling.
     $ export WDT_HOME=/install/directory

For example, to get the latest version:

$ curl -OL
$ unzip
$ cd weblogic-deploy
$ export WDT_HOME=$(pwd)

To create a reusable model of the application and domain, use WDT to create a metadata model of the domain.

  • First, create an output directory to hold the generated scripts and models.
  • Then, run WDT discoverDomain.
    $ mkdir v8o
    $ $WDT_HOME/bin/ \
      -oracle_home $ORACLE_HOME \
      -domain_home /path/to/domain/dir \
      -model_file ./v8o/wdt-model.yaml \
      -archive_file ./v8o/ \
      -target vz \
      -output_dir v8o

You will find the following files in ./v8o:

  • - A helper script with kubectl commands to apply the Kubernetes secrets needed for this domain
  • vz-application.yaml - Verrazzano application configuration and component file
  • - A set of properties extracted from the WDT domain model
  • - The WDT archive file containing the ToDo List application WAR file
  • wdt-model.yaml - The WDT model of the WebLogic Server domain

If you chose to skip the Access the application step and did not verify that the ToDo List application was deployed, then you should verify that you see the todo.war file inside the file. If you do not see the WAR file, there was something wrong in your deployment of the application on WebLogic Server that will require additional troubleshooting in your domain.

Create a Docker image

At this point, the Verrazzano model is just a template for the real model. The WebLogic Image Tool will fill in the placeholders for you, or you can edit the model manually to set the image name and domain home directory.

  • If you have not already done so, download WebLogic Image Tool (WIT) from GitHub.
  • Unzip the installer file so that you can access bin/
  • To make copying commands easier, define an environment variable for WIT_HOME that points to the directory where you installed WebLogic Image Tool.
     $ export WIT_HOME=/install/directory

For example, to get the latest WIT tool:

$ curl -OL
$ unzip
$ cd imagetool
$ export WIT_HOME=$(pwd)

You will need a Docker image to run your WebLogic Server domain in Kubernetes. To use WIT to create the Docker image, run imagetool create. Although WIT will download patches and PSUs for you, it does not yet download installers. Until then, you must download the WebLogic Server and Java Development Kit installer manually and provide their location to the imagetool cache addInstaller command.

# The directory created previously to hold the generated scripts and models.
$ cd v8o

$ $WIT_HOME/bin/ cache addInstaller \
  --path /path/to/installer/jdk-8u231-linux-x64.tar.gz \
  --type jdk \
  --version 8u231

# The installer file name may be slightly different depending on
# which version of the installer that you downloaded, slim or generic.
$ $WIT_HOME/bin/ cache addInstaller \
  --path /path/to/installer/ \
  --type wls \

$ $WIT_HOME/bin/ cache addInstaller \
  --path /path/to/installer/ \
  --type wdt \
  --version latest

# Paths for the files in this command assume that you are running it from the
# v8o directory created during the `discoverDomain` step.
$ $WIT_HOME/bin/ create \
  --tag your/repo/todo:1 \
  --version \
  --jdkVersion 8u231 \
  --wdtModel ./wdt-model.yaml \
  --wdtArchive ./ \
  --wdtVariables ./ \
  --resourceTemplates=./vz-application.yaml \

The imagetool create command will have created a local Docker image and updated the Verrazzano model with the domain home and image name. Check your Docker images for the tag that you used in the create command using docker images from the Docker CLI.

If everything worked correctly, it is time to push that image to the container registry that Verrazzano will use to access the image from Kubernetes. You can use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (OCIR) as your repository for this example, but most Docker compliant registries should work.

The variables in the vz-application.yaml resource template should be resolved with information from the image tool build.
Verify this by looking in the v8o/vz-application.yaml file to make sure that the image: {{{imageName}}} value has been set with the given --tag value.

Push the image to your repo.

NOTE: The image name must be the same as what is in the vz-application.yaml file under spec > workload > spec > image for the tododomain-domain component.

$ docker push your/repo/todo:1

Deploy to Verrazzano

After the application image has been created, there are several steps required to deploy the application into a Verrazzano environment.

These include:

  1. Creating and labeling the tododomain namespace.
  2. Creating the necessary secrets required by the ToDo List application.
  3. Creating the Verrazzano components such as Service, Deployment, and ConfigMap required by the MySQL instance in the tododomain namespace.
  4. Updating the vz-application.yaml file to enable the Verrazzano MySQL components in the ToDo List ApplicationConfiguration to deploy as Kubernetes objects.
  5. Updating the vz-application.yaml file to use the Verrazzano MySQL deployment and (optionally) expose the WebLogic Server Administration Console.
  6. Applying the vz-application.yaml file.

The following steps assume that you have a Kubernetes cluster and that Verrazzano is already installed in that cluster.

Label the namespace

Create the tododomain namespace, and add labels to allow the WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator to manage it and enabled for Istio.

$ kubectl create namespace tododomain
$ kubectl label namespace tododomain verrazzano-managed=true istio-injection=enabled

Create the required secrets

If you haven’t already done so, edit and run the script to generate the Kubernetes secrets. WDT does not discover passwords from your existing domain. Before running the create secrets script, you will need to edit to set the passwords for the WebLogic Server domain and the data source. In this domain, there are a few passwords that you need to enter:

  • Administrator credentials
  • ToDo database credentials

For example:

# Update <admin-user> and <admin-password> for weblogic-credentials
$ create_paired_k8s_secret weblogic-credentials <your-WLS-username> <your-WLS-password>

# Update <user> and <password> for tododomain-jdbc-tododb
$ create_paired_k8s_secret jdbc-tododb <your-mysql-username> <your-mysql-password>

Then run the script:

$ sh ./

Verrazzano will need a credential to pull the image that you just created, so you need to create one more secret. The name for this credential can be changed in the vz-application.yaml file to anything you like, but it defaults to tododomain-registry-credentials.

Assuming that you leave the name tododomain-registry-credentials, you will need to run a kubectl create secret command similar to the following:

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry tododomain-registry-credentials \ \ \
  --docker-username=tenancy/username \
  --docker-password='passwordForUsername' \

Update the application configuration

Update the generated vz-application.yaml file for the todo application to:

  • Update the tododomain-configmap component to use the in-cluster MySQL service URL jdbc:mysql://mysql.tododomain.svc.cluster.local:3306/tododb to access the database.
        wdt_jdbc.yaml: |
                    # This is the URL of the database used by the WebLogic Server application
                    URL: "jdbc:mysql://mysql.tododomain.svc.cluster.local:3306/tododb"          
  • Update the tododomain-appconf ApplicationConfiguration to enable Verrazzano MySQL components to be deployed as Kubernetes objects.
kind: ApplicationConfiguration
  name: tododomain-appconf
  namespace: tododomain
    version: v1.0.0
    description: "tododomain application configuration"
    - componentName: tododomain-domain
        - trait:
            kind: MetricsTrait
              scraper: verrazzano-system/vmi-system-prometheus-0
        - trait:
            kind: IngressTrait
                - paths:
                    # application todo
                    - path: "/todo"
                      pathType: Prefix
    - componentName: tododomain-configmap
    - componentName: todo-mysql-service
    - componentName: todo-mysql-deployment
    - componentName: todo-mysql-configmap

The file vz-application-modified.yaml is an example of a modified vz-application.yaml file. A diff of these two sample files is shown:

$ diff vz-application.yaml vz-application-modified.yaml
>     - componentName: todo-mysql-service
>     - componentName: todo-mysql-deployment
>     - componentName: todo-mysql-configmap
<                   URL: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/tododb"
>                   URL: "jdbc:mysql://mysql.tododomain.svc.cluster.local:3306/tododb"

Create Verrazzano components for MySQL

As noted previously, moving a production environment to Verrazzano would require migrating the data as well. While data migration is beyond the scope of this guide, we will still need to include a MySQL instance to be deployed with the application in the Verrazzano environment.

To do so, first, we need to create the Verrazzano components for MySQL by applying the mysql-oam.yaml file in the tododomain namespace. The components will be deployed as Kubernetes objects when the ToDo List application is deployed by applying the vz-application.yaml file in the next step.

$ kubectl apply -f mysql-oam.yaml

# Expected response created created created
$ kubectl get components -ntododomain

# Expected response
todo-mysql-configmap    ConfigMap       26s
todo-mysql-deployment   Deployment      26s
todo-mysql-service      Service         26s

Deploy the ToDo List application and MySQL instance.

Finally, run kubectl apply to apply the Verrazzano components and Verrazzano application configuration files to start your domain.

$ kubectl apply -f vz-application.yaml

This will:

  • Create the application Component resources for the ToDo List application.
  • Deploys the Verrazzano component resources as Kubernetes objects and creates the MySQL instance.
  • Create the application configuration resources that create the instance of the ToDo List application in the Verrazzano cluster.

Wait for the ToDo List example application to be ready.

$ kubectl wait pod \
    --for=condition=Ready tododomain-adminserver \
    -n tododomain

# Expected response
pod/tododomain-adminserver condition met

Verify that the pods are in the Running state:

$ kubectl get pod -n tododomain

# Sample output
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-55bb4c4565-c8zf5   1/1     Running   0          8m
tododomain-adminserver   4/4     Running   0          5m

Access the application from your browser

  1. Get the generated host name for the application.

    $ kubectl get tododomain-tododomain-appconf-gw \
        -n tododomain \
        -o jsonpath={.spec.servers[0].hosts[0]}
    # Sample output
  2. Initialize the database by accessing the init URL.
  3. Access the application.

Access the WebLogic Server Administration Console

  1. Set up port forwarding.

    $ kubectl port-forward pods/tododomain-adminserver 7001:7001 -n tododomain

    NOTE: If you are using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Shell to run kubectl, in order to access the WebLogic Server Administration Console using port forwarding, you will need to run kubectl on another machine.

  2. Access the WebLogic Server Administration Console from your browser.
