
Learn about Verrazzano projects

A Verrazzano project provides a way to group application namespaces that are owned or administered by the same user or group of users.

The VerrazzanoProject resource

A VerrazzanoProject resource is created by a Verrazzano admin user, and specifies the following:

  • A list of namespaces that the project governs.
  • One or more users, groups, or service accounts that will be granted the verrazzano-project-admin role for the VerrazzanoProject. Project admins may deploy or delete applications and related resources in the namespaces in the project.
  • One or more users, groups, or service accounts that will be granted the verrazzano-project-monitor role for the VerrazzanoProject. Project monitors may view the resources in the namespaces in the project, but not modify or delete them.
  • A list of network policies to apply to the namespaces in the project.

The creation of a VerrazzanoProject results in:

  • The creation of the specified namespaces in the project, if those do not already exist.
  • The creation of a Kubernetes RoleBindings in each of the namespaces, to set up the appropriate permissions for the project admins and project monitors of the project.
  • The creation of the specified network policies for each of the namespaces.