Verrazzano Custom Resource Definition

The Verrazzano custom resource contains the configuration information for an installation. Here is a sample Verrazzano custom resource file that uses OCI DNS. See other examples here.

kind: Verrazzano
  name: example-verrazzano
  environmentName: env
  profile: prod
          provider: letsEncrypt
        ociConfigSecret: oci
        dnsZoneCompartmentOCID: dnsZoneCompartmentOcid
        dnsZoneOCID: dnsZoneOcid
      type: LoadBalancer


Field Type Description Required
environmentName string Name of the installation. This name is part of the endpoint access URLs that are generated. The default value is default. No
profile string The installation profile to select. Valid values are prod (production) and dev (development). The default is prod. No
version string The version to install. Valid versions can be found here. Defaults to the current version supported by the Verrazzano platform operator. No
components Components The Verrazzano components. No
defaultVolumeSource VolumeSource Defines the type of volume to be used for persistence for all components unless overridden, and can be one of either EmptyDirVolumeSource or PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource. If PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource is declared, then the claimName must reference the name of an existing VolumeClaimSpecTemplate declared in the volumeClaimSpecTemplates section. No
volumeClaimSpecTemplates VolumeClaimSpecTemplate Defines a named set of PVC configurations that can be referenced from components to configure persistent volumes. No


Field Type Description Required
metadata ObjectMeta Metadata about the PersistentVolumeClaimSpec template. No
spec PersistentVolumeClaimSpec A PersistentVolumeClaimSpec template that can be referenced by a Component to override its default storage settings for a profile. At present, only a subset of the resources.requests object are honored depending on the component. No


Field Type Description Required
certManager CertManagerComponent The cert-manager component configuration. No
dns DNSComponent The DNS component configuration. No
ingress IngressComponent The ingress component configuration. No
istio IstioComponent The Istio component configuration. No
fluentd FluentdComponent The Fluentd component configuration. No
keycloak KeycloakComponent The Keycloak component configuration. No
elasticsearch ElasticsearchComponent The Elasticsearch component configuration. No
prometheus PrometheusComponent The Prometheus component configuration. No
kibana KibanaComponent The Kibana component configuration. No
grafana GrafanaComponent The Grafana component configuration. No
kiali KialiComponent The Kiali component configuration. No

CertManager Component

Field Type Description Required
certificate Certificate The certificate configuration. No


Field Type Description Required
acme Acme The ACME configuration. Either acme or ca must be specified. No
ca CertificateAuthority The certificate authority configuration. Either acme or ca must be specified. No


Field Type Description Required
provider string Name of the Acme provider. Yes
emailAddress string Email address of the user. Yes


Field Type Description Required
secretName string The secret name. Yes
clusterResourceNamespace string The secrete namespace. Yes

DNS Component

Field Type Description Required
wildcard DNS-Wilcard Wildcard DNS configuration. This is the default with a domain of No
oci DNS-OCI OCI DNS configuration. No
external DNS-External External DNS configuration. No

DNS Wildcard

Field Type Description Required
domain string The type of wildcard DNS domain. For example,,, and such. Yes


Field Type Description Required
ociConfigSecret string Name of the OCI configuration secret. Generate a secret based on the OCI configuration profile you want to use. You can specify a profile other than DEFAULT and specify the secret name. See instructions by running ./install/ Yes
dnsZoneCompartmentOCID string The OCI DNS compartment OCID. Yes
dnsZoneOCID string The OCI DNS zone OCID. Yes
dnsZoneName string Name of OCI DNS zone. Yes
dnsScope string Scope of the OCI DNS zone (PRIVATE, GLOBAL). If not specified, then defaults to GLOBAL. No

DNS External

Field Type Description Required
suffix string The suffix for DNS names. Yes

Ingress Component

Field Type Description Required
type string The ingress type. Valid values are LoadBalancer and NodePort. The default value is LoadBalancer. Yes
nginxInstallArgs NGINXInstallArgs list A list of values to use during NGINX installation. No
ports PortConfig list The list port configurations used by the ingress. No

NGINX Install Args

Name Type ValueType Description Required
controller.service.externalIPs NameValue string list The external IP address used by the NGINX Ingress Controller. No
controller.service.externalTrafficPolicy NameValue string Preserves the client source IP address. See Bare-metal considerations. No
controller.service.annotations.* NameValue string Annotations used for NGINX Ingress Controller. For sample usage, see Customize Ingress. No
controller.autoscaling.enabled NameValue Boolean If true, then enable horizonal pod autoscaler. Default false. No
controller.autoscaling.minReplicas NameValue string Minimum replicas used for autoscaling. Default 1. No

Port Config

Field Type Description Required
name string The port name. No
port string The port value. Yes
targetPort string The target port value. The default is same as the port value. Yes
protocol string The protocol used by the port. TCP is the default. No
nodePort string The nodePort value. No

Name Value

Field Type Description Required
name string The name of a Helm override for a Verrazzano component chart, specified with a —set flag on the Helm command line, for example, helm install --set name=value. For more information about chart overrides, see Customize Ingress. Yes
value string The value of a Helm override for a Verrazzano component chart, specified with a —set flag on the Helm command line, for example, helm install --set name=value. Either value or valueList must be specified. For more information about chart overrides, see Customize Ingress. No
valueList string list The list of Helm override values for a Verrazzano component, each specified with a —set flag on the Helm command line, for example, helm install --set name[0]=<first element of valueList> —set name[1]=<second element of valueList>. Either value or valueList must be specified. For more information about chart overrides, see Customize Ingress. No
setString Boolean Specifies if the argument requires the Helm --set-string command-line flag to override a chart value, for example, helm install --set-string name=value. No

Istio Component

Field Type Description Required
istioInstallArgs IstioInstallArgs list A list of values to use during Istio installation. Each argument is specified as either a name/value or name/valueList pair. No

Istio Install Args

Name Type ValueType Description Required
gateways.istio-ingressgateway.externalIPs NameValue string list The external IP address used by the Istio Ingress Gateway. No
gateways.istio-ingressgateway.serviceAnnotations.* NameValue string Annotations used for the Istio Ingress Gateway. For sample usage, see Customize Ingress. No

Fluentd Component

Field Type Description Required
extraVolumeMounts ExtraVolumeMount list A list of host path volume mounts in addition to /var/log into the Fluentd DaemonSet. The Fluentd component collects log files in the /var/log/containers directory of Kubernetes worker nodes. The /var/log/containers directory may contain symbolic links to files located outside the /var/log directory. If the host path directory containing the log files is located outside of /var/log, the Fluentd DaemonSet must have the volume mount of that directory to collect the logs. No
elasticsearchURL string The target Elasticsearch URLs. Specify this option in this format. The default http://vmi-system-es-ingest-oidc:8775 is the VMI Elasticsearch URL. No
elasticsearchSecret string The secret containing the credentials for connecting to Elasticsearch. This secret needs to be created in the verrazzano-install namespace prior to creating the Verrazzano custom resource. Specify the Elasticsearch login credentials in the username and password fields in this secret. Specify the CA for verifying the Elasticsearch certificate in the ca-bundle field, if applicable. The default verrazzano is the secret for connecting to the VMI Elasticsearch. No

Extra Volume Mount

Field Type Description Required
source string The source host path. Yes
destination string The destination path on the Fluentd Container, defaults to the source host path. No
readOnly Boolean Specifies if the volume mount is read-only, defaults to true. No

Keycloak Component

Field Type Description Required
enabled Boolean If true, then Keycloak will be installed. No
mysql MySQLComponent Contains the MySQL component configuration needed for Keycloak. No

MySQL Component

Field Type Description Required
volumeSource VolumeSource Defines the type of volume to be used for persistence for Keycloak/MySQL, and can be one of either EmptyDirVolumeSource or PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource. If PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource is declared, then the claimName must reference the name of a VolumeClaimSpecTemplate declared in the volumeClaimSpecTemplates section. No

Elasticsearch Component

Field Type Description Required
enabled Boolean If true, then Elasticsearch will be installed. No
installArgs ElasticsearchInstallArgs list A list of values to use during Elasticsearch installation. Each argument is specified as either a name/value or name/valueList pair. For sample usage, see Customize Elasticsearch. No

Elasticsearch Install Args

Name Type ValueType Description Required
nodes.master.replicas NameValue string The number of master node replicas. No
nodes.master.requests.memory NameValue string The master node memory request amount expressed as a Quantity. No
nodes.ingest.replicas NameValue string The number of ingest node replicas. No
nodes.ingest.requests.memory NameValue string The ingest node memory request amount expressed as a Quantity. No NameValue string The number of data node replicas. No NameValue string The data node memory request amount expressed as a Quantity. No NameValue string The data storage request amount expressed as a Quantity. No

Kibana Component

Field Type Description Required
enabled Boolean If true, then Kibana will be installed. No

Prometheus Component

Field Type Description Required
enabled Boolean If true, then Prometheus will be installed. No

Grafana Component

Field Type Description Required
enabled Boolean If true, then Grafana will be installed. No

Kiali Component

Field Type Description Required
enabled Boolean If true, then Kiali will be installed. No