View Verrazzano Installed Software

Verrazzano installs a curated set of open source software. The following table lists the software, its version, and a brief description.

Software Version Description
Argo CD 2.8.3 A declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.
cert-manager 1.9.1 Automates the management and issuance of TLS certificates.
cert-manager-webhook-oci 0.1.0 Cert-Manager webhook for Oracle Clould Infrastructure DNS.
Cluster API 1.5.3 Specifies the Cluster API configuration.
Cluster-API-Verrazzano-Addon 1.0.0 Extends the functionality of the Cluster API to provide a solution for managing Verrazzano on managed clusters.
Coherence Operator 3.3.2 Assists with deploying and managing Coherence clusters.
Dex 2.37.0 Supports identity provider federation for applications using OpenID Connect.
ExternalDNS 0.12.2 Synchronizes exposed Kubernetes Services and ingresses with DNS providers.
Fluentd 1.14.5 Collects logs and sends them to OpenSearch.
Fluent Operator 2.2.0 Provides management for FluentBit and Fluentd in a Kubernetes environment.
Grafana 7.5.17 Tool to help you examine, analyze, and monitor metrics.
Istio 1.19.3 Service mesh that layers transparently onto existing distributed applications.
Jaeger 1.42.0 Distributed tracing system for monitoring and troubleshooting distributed systems.
Jaeger Operator 1.42.0 Provides management for Jaeger tools.
Keycloak 20.0.1 Provides single sign-on with Identity and Access Management.
Kiali 1.73.0 Management console for the Istio service mesh.
kube-state-metrics 2.10.0 Provides metrics about the state of Kubernetes API objects.
MySQL 8.0.32 Open source relational database management system used by Keycloak.
MySQL Operator 8.0.32-2.0.8 Operator for managing MySQL InnoDB Cluster setups inside a Kubernetes cluster.
NGINX Ingress Controller 1.7.1 Traffic management solution for cloud‑native applications in Kubernetes.
Node Exporter 1.6.1 Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics.
OAM Kubernetes Runtime 0.3.3 Plug-in for implementing the Open Application Model (OAM) control plane with Kubernetes.
OpenSearch 2.3.0 Provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine.
OpenSearch Dashboards 2.3.0 Provides search and data visualization capabilities for data indexed in OpenSearch.
OpenSearch Operator 2.4.0 Provides management for OpenSearch clusters.
Prometheus 2.44.0 Provides event monitoring and alerting.
Prometheus Adapter 0.10.0 Provides metrics in support of pod autoscaling.
Prometheus Operator 0.64.1 Provides management for Prometheus monitoring tools.
Prometheus Pushgateway 1.6.2 Allows ephemeral and batch jobs to expose their metrics to Prometheus.
Rancher 2.7.6 Manages multiple Kubernetes clusters.
Rancher Backup Operator 3.1.0 Manages backup and restore of Rancher configurations and data.
Thanos 0.32.2 Integrates with Prometheus to access and store metrics data.
Velero 1.9.1 Manages backup and restore of Kubernetes configurations and data.
WebLogic Kubernetes Operator 4.2.5 Assists with deploying and managing WebLogic domains.
WebLogic Monitoring Exporter 2.2.0 Exports Prometheus-compatible metrics from WebLogic instances.