MultiClusterResourceStatus Subresource

The MultiClusterResourceStatus subresource is shared by multicluster custom resources.


MultiClusterResourceStatus specifies the status portion of a multicluster resource.

Field Type Description Required
conditions Condition array The current state of a multicluster resource. No
state string The state of the multicluster resource. State values are case-sensitive and formatted as follows:
  • Pending: deployment to cluster is in progress
  • Succeeded: deployment to cluster successfully completed
  • Failed: deployment to cluster failed
clusters ClusterLevelStatus array Array of status information for each cluster. No


Condition describes current state of a multicluster resource across all clusters.

Field Type Description Required
type string The condition of the multicluster resource which can be checked with a kubectl wait command. Condition values are case-sensitive and formatted as follows:
  • DeployComplete: deployment to all clusters completed successfully
  • DeployFailed: deployment to all clusters failed
status ConditionStatus An instance of the type ConditionStatus that is defined in types.go. Yes
lastTransitionTime string The last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. No
message string A message with details about the last transition. No


ClusterLevelStatus describes the status of the multicluster resource on an individual cluster.

Field Type Description Required
name string Name of the cluster. Yes
state string The state of the multicluster resource. State values are case-sensitive and formatted as follows:
  • Pending: deployment is in progress
  • Succeeded: deployment successfully completed
  • Failed: deployment failed
message string Message with details about the status in this cluster. No
lastUpdateTime string The last time the resource state was updated. Yes