
How to upgrade Verrazzano

A Verrazzano installation consists of a stack of components, such as cert-manager, where each component has a specific release version that may be different from the overall Verrazzano version. The Verrazzano platform operator knows the versions of each component associated with the Verrazzano version. When you perform the initial Verrazzano installation, the appropriate version of each component is installed by the platform operator. Post installation, it may be necessary to update one or more of the component images or Helm charts. This update is also handled by the platform operator and is called an upgrade. Currently, Verrazzano does only patch-level upgrades, where a helm upgrade command can be issued for the component. Typically, patch-level upgrades simply replace component images with newer versions.

Application and system pod restarts

Upgrading Verrazzano 1.0.x to 1.1.0 will result in an upgrade of Istio from 1.7.3 to 1.10.4. Because of this, all the pods in the Istio mesh need to be restarted so that the new Envoy proxy sidecar can be injected into the pods. This includes both Verrazzano applications, along with Verrazzano system pods, such as the NGINX Ingress Controller. For WebLogic workloads, Verrazzano will shut down every domain, do the upgrade, then start every domain. For all other workloads, Verrazzano will perform a rolling restart when the upgrade is complete. There is no user involvement related to restarting applications; it is done automatically during upgrade.

Upgrade steps

It is important to distinguish between updating the Verrazzano platform operator versus upgrading the Verrazzano installation. The platform operator contains the newer component charts and image versions, so it must be updated prior to upgrading the installation. Updating the platform operator has no effect on an existing installation until you initiate the Verrazzano installation upgrade. Currently, there is no way to roll back either the platform operator update or the Verrazzano installation upgrade.

Upgrading an existing Verrazzano installation is a two-step process:

  • Update the Verrazzano platform operator to the Verrazzano release version to which you want to upgrade.
  • Upgrade the Verrazzano installation.

Update the Verrazzano platform operator

In order to upgrade an existing Verrazzano installation, you must first update the Verrazzano platform operator.

  1. Update the Verrazzano platform operator.

    NOTE: If you are using a private container registry, then to update the platform operator, follow the instructions at Use a Private Registry.

    To update to the latest version:

    $ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/verrazzano/verrazzano/releases/download/v1.2.2/operator.yaml

    To update to a specific version, where <version> is the desired version:

    $ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/verrazzano/verrazzano/releases/download/<version>/operator.yaml
  2. Wait for the deployment to complete.

    $ kubectl -n verrazzano-install rollout status deployment/verrazzano-platform-operator
    # Expected response
    deployment "verrazzano-platform-operator" successfully rolled out
  3. Confirm that the operator pod is correctly defined and running.

    $ kubectl -n verrazzano-install get pods
    # Sample output
    NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    verrazzano-platform-operator-59d5c585fd-lwhsx   1/1     Running   0          114s

Upgrade Verrazzano

To upgrade the Verrazzano installation, you need to change the version of your installed Verrazzano resource to the version supported by the Verrazzano Platform Operator.

NOTE: You may only change the version field during an upgrade; changes to other fields or component configurations are not supported at this time.

In one simple step, you can upgrade to a specified version of Verrazzano using this command:

$ kubectl patch vz example-verrazzano -p '{"spec":{"version":"v1.2.2"}}' --type=merge

Alternatively, you can upgrade the Verrazzano installation using the following steps:

  1. Update the Verrazzano resource to the desired version.

    To upgrade the Verrazzano components, you must update the version field in your Verrazzano resource spec to match the version supported by the platform operator to which you upgraded and apply it to the cluster.

    The value of the version field in the resource spec must be a Semantic Versioning value corresponding to a valid Verrazzano release version.

    You can update the resource by doing one of the following:

    a. Editing the YAML file you used to install Verrazzano and setting the version field to the latest version.

    For example, to upgrade to v1.2.2, your YAML file should be edited to add or update the version field:

    apiVersion: install.verrazzano.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Verrazzano
      name: example-verrazzano
      profile: dev
      version: v1.2.2

    Then apply the resource to the cluster (if you have not edited the resource in-place using kubectl edit):

    $ kubectl apply -f example-verrazzano.yaml

    b. Editing the Verrazzano resource directly using kubectl and setting the version field directly, for example:

    $ kubectl edit verrazzano example-verrazzano
    # In the resource editor, add or update the version field to "version: v1.2.2", then save.
  2. Wait for the upgrade to complete:

    $ kubectl wait \
        --timeout=10m \
        --for=condition=UpgradeComplete verrazzano/example-verrazzano

If an error occurs, check the log output. You can view the logs with the following command:

$ kubectl logs -n verrazzano-install \
    -f $(kubectl get pod \
    -n verrazzano-install \
    -l app=verrazzano-platform-operator \
    -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}") | grep '^{.*}$' \
    | jq -r '."@timestamp" as $timestamp | "\($timestamp) \(.level) \(.message)"'

If an upgrade fails, you’ll see this:

$ kubectl get vz

# Sample output
NAME                 STATUS          VERSION
example-verrazzano   UpgradeFailed   v1.1.1

You can restart the upgrade by setting the annotation verrazzano.io/upgrade-retry-version to any unique value. For example:

$ kubectl patch vz example-verrazzano -p '{"metadata":{"annotations": {"verrazzano.io/upgrade-retry-version":"v1.1.2-1"} }}' --type=merge

Verify the upgrade

Check that all the pods in the verrazzano-system namespace are in the Running state. While the upgrade is in progress, you may see some pods terminating and restarting as newer versions of components are applied, for example:

$ kubectl get pods -n verrazzano-system

# Sample output
coherence-operator-866798c99d-r69xt                1/1     Running   1          43m
fluentd-f9fbv                                      2/2     Running   0          38m
fluentd-n79c4                                      2/2     Running   0          38m
fluentd-xslzw                                      2/2     Running   0          38m
oam-kubernetes-runtime-56cdb56c98-wn2mb            1/1     Running   0          43m
verrazzano-application-operator-7c95ddd5b5-7xzmn   1/1     Running   0          42m
verrazzano-authproxy-594d8c8dcd-llmlr              2/2     Running   0          38m
verrazzano-console-74dbf97fdf-zxvvn                2/2     Running   0          38m
verrazzano-monitoring-operator-6fcf8484fd-gfkhs    1/1     Running   0          38m
verrazzano-operator-66c8566f95-8lbs6               1/1     Running   0          38m
vmi-system-es-master-0                             2/2     Running   0          38m
vmi-system-grafana-799d79648d-wsdp4                2/2     Running   0          38m
vmi-system-kiali-574c6dd94d-f49jv                  2/2     Running   0          41m
vmi-system-kibana-77f8d998f4-zzvqr                 2/2     Running   0          38m
vmi-system-prometheus-0-7f89d54fbf-brg6x           3/3     Running   0          36m
weblogic-operator-7b447fdb47-wlw64                 2/2     Running   0          42m

Check that the pods in your application namespaces are ready, for example:

$ kubectl get pods -n todo-list

# Sample output
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-67575d8954-d4vkm   2/2     Running   0          39h
tododomain-adminserver   4/4     Running   0          39h

Upgrade Multicluster Verrazzano

How to upgrade a multicluster Verrazzano environment