MultiClusterSecret Custom Resource Definition

The MultiClusterSecret custom resource is an envelope used to distribute Kubernetes Secret resources in a multicluster environment.

NOTE: Starting with Verrazzano v1.1.0, it is preferred that the MultiClusterSecret custom resource not be used; instead specify secrets in the MultiClusterApplicationConfiguration resource. See the example application, Multicluster ToDo List where secrets are specified in a MultiClusterApplicationConfiguration resource.

Here is a sample MultiClusterSecret that specifies a Kubernetes secret to create on the cluster named managed1.

kind: MultiClusterSecret
  name: mymcsecret
  namespace: multiclustertest
      username: dmVycmF6emFubw==
      password: dmVycmF6emFubw==
      - name: managed1


A MultiClusterSecret is an envelope to create Kubernetes Secret resources on the clusters specified in the placement section.

Field Type Description Required
apiVersion string Yes
kind string MultiClusterSecret Yes
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata. Yes
spec MultiClusterSecretSpec The desired state of a Kubernetes Secret. Yes
status MultiClusterResourceStatus The runtime status of a multicluster resource. No


MultiClusterSecretSpec specifies the desired state of a Kubernetes Secret.

Field Type Description Required
template SecretTemplate The embedded Kubernetes Secret. Yes
placement Placement Clusters in which the Secret is to be placed. Yes


SecretTemplate has the metadata and spec of the Kubernetes Secret.

Field Type Description Required
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata. No
data map[string][]byte Corresponds to the data field of the struct Secret defined in types.go. No
stringData map[string]string Corresponds to the stringData field of the struct Secret defined in types.go. No
type string Corresponds to the type field of the struct Secret defined in types.go. No