Fluentd Issues

Troubleshoot a Fluentd permission issue when SELinux is in enforcing mode

Issue: Fluentd’s inability to push logs to OpenSearch due to a permission issue when SELinux is in enforcing mode.

If you are unable to see logs in OpenSearch, it may be due to a permission issue in Fluentd when SELinux is in enforcing mode, which prevents Fluentd from pushing the logs to OpenSearch.

To troubleshoot the Fluentd permission issue, follow these steps:

  1. Check Fluentd pod logs.

    • Identify the Fluentd pod related to the Verrazzano installation.
    • View the logs of the Fluentd pod using the following command:
      $ kubectl logs <fluentd-pod-name> -n verrazzano-system
  2. Check for an error description.

    • Look for an error message in the Fluentd pod logs.
    • If you see an error with the following description, then follow the instructions in Step 3. Resolve permission issue.
    unexpected error error_class=Errno::EACCES error="Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /var/log/vz-fluentd-containers.log.pos", it indicates a permission issue. Fluentd doesn't have enough privilege to write `.pos` file.
  3. Resolve permission issue.

    • The issue occurs when SELinux is in enforcing mode on the worker nodes and Fluentd does not have the appropriate SELinux context to have read/write access to the logs (/var/log/) directory.
    • Check if SELinux is in enforcing mode by running this command on the worker nodes:
      $ sudo getenforce
      If SELinux is in enforcing mode, then follow the advice found here.
  4. Verification.

    • Verify that Fluentd is able to read and push the logs to OpenSearch by reviewing the Fluentd logs.
    • Verify that the logs are visible in OpenSearch by accessing the OpenSearch dashboard or using relevant search queries.